Permit Applications

Please submit all Permits to the RM office: or by mail to RM of Mervin No. 499, Box 130, Turtleford SK, S0M 2Y0


Please be aware that all permit applications can take 1-2 months to be processed due to wait times 


Development Permits are used to ensure that the development meets all of the zoning bylaw requirements such as the type of building that is proposed and to ensure that it meets the required setbacks.

Development Permits

Building Permits are used to ensure that the construction of the building will meet the requirements of the Construction Codes Act. Each building permit will be referred to one of the RM approved building officials. The building official will then determine the inspection requirements and provide the RM with an inspection plan, signed building permit, and an inspection invoice. Invoices must be paid in advance in order for the RM to release the approved permits and inspection plan.

Building Permit


Approach Application Permit and Approach Construction Standards Policy

Approach Application Permit 


Demolition permits are required for the demolition and removal of any building in the R.M. of Mervin. Applicants should contact the R.M. office for further information.

Demolition Permit

Moving Permits are only applicable if the origin or destination falls within the R.M. of Mervin.

Moving Permit


List of Surveyors - This list includes land surveying companies who serve the RM most frequently. 

List of Surveyors