Community Safety Officer
Special Constable Jordan Starr

CSO Dispatch Line: 306-845-3512
When to Call a Special Constable
To report a concern with the Special Constable please call 1-306-845-3512 or use the appreciation and concern form or email Examples of the most common types of calls received are in relation to (but not limited to):
- Municipal Bylaw Enforcement
- Public use of liquor and cannabis
- Public drunkenness and public disturbances
- Traffic Complaints
- Suspicious vehicle or person complaints
- ATV / Snowmobile Complaints
- Thefts under $5000
- Mischief under $5000
- Trespassing
- Golf Carts
- Nuisance Abatement (Unsightly property)
For more information about the Community Safety Officer Program please click here
How to Contact the RM of Mervin Special Constable
Please call our CSO Dispatch line at 1-306-845-3512. The dispatcher will ask the type of complaint, the location of the complaint and information regarding the incident. If the situation is an emergency, it will be forwarded to the Constable immediately, or to the RCMP if the complaint falls outside of their mandate. The RM of Mervin’s Special Constable is not on duty 24/7, and therefore there might be a delay in response.
RM of Mervin Special Constable Service
RM of Mervin's Special Constable is appointed and sworn into their position according to The Police Act of Saskatchewan, 1990.
The Special Constable is responsible for applying legislation under Municipal, Provinicial and Federal Law. RM of Mervin's Special Constable responds to concerns made by the public regarding different types of situations from property standards concerns, erratic driving, and speeding complaints, to alcohol and drug related complaints. The Officer patrols as a crime reduction strategy and to provide a community policing presence.
Bylaw Enforcement
RM of Mervin's Special Constable is responsible for enforcing bylaws with the Municipality. Bylaw complaints can be made through the general dispatch line 1-306-845-3512. As enforcement is largely complaint driven, you may be asked to give a statement or, in rare cases, to attend court as a witness. For a list of most requested Bylaws please click here.
Bylaw enforcement in the RM of Mervin is largely compliance based with the officers main priority being working with the community to gain compliance.
For Emergencies, please call 911 directly.